Friday, April 15, 2011

On event processing related standards

One of the items in the EPTS charter talked about incubating standards related to event processing.   When EPTS was established, three years ago, the general opinion was that it was still premature to deal with standards.
Recently, there have been two developments related to standards:

  1. The event processing manifesto work includes a chapter that surveyed related standards and recommended some action items.   It has been presented within the EPTS virtual symposium last month by Paul Vincent.
  2. OMG has renewed its call to express interest in work towards a standard on Event meta-modeling and profile  (in essence:  event structure).
Today, a vote request was sent to all EPTS members to answer two questions:  whether EPTS should establish a work-group to view standards in a strategic way, and whether EPTS should support/play a role in the OMG standard.   

Standards have a potential to give a big push to the area (this has happened in other areas);  the grand challenge presented in the event processing manifesto, the "event fabric" in an internet scale requires the existence of standards as a prerequisite,  however there need to be a shorter term business motivation to make it fly.