Saturday, June 14, 2008

On Event Proessing Platforms and Engines

Here are pictures of some engine and some platform, and they don't seem to be compatible, however if a car will replace the horse in the 2nd picture, all of a sudden, the engine (of the car) will have a role in the platform. In event processing we hear more and more about platforms, and even about event-based middleware that will be a basis for XTP and other stuff. The platform is providing some services for agents to run, like a road system that can enable to get from place to place and provide services such as: signs, traffic lights etc... The way to go there can be by foot, riding an hoarse, and driving a car, among other options. Taking this analogy further -- in the event processing world, every agent can be implemented in ad-hoc fashion (going by foot), use C/Java code with some tools to help create EP applications, or use engines, which are COTS tools that do event processing. Implementation of heterogenous agents on the same platform requires interoperability standards, if we also wish to implement it in a seamless applications we'll need language standards. There are some starts of event processing platform, quite basic at that point, but the direction seems promising, and may, at some point in time we may see event processing platforms as a basis for the new generation of enterprise application servers.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

On EPTS again - calling for customers to join EPTS

After the first excitement of the launch (first press release is out, press briefing is out, some more press articles are coming soon, some of the members have referred in blogs or news, second press release is on its way) this is the time to extend the community. We have very good coverage of vendors, good coverage of academic people, some coverage of analysts. As I have written in the last blog, the target now is to add more customers. EPTS will issue a call for customers - in various places and opportunities (e.g. the Gartner EPS). What is the main motivation of customers to join:
  • Impact: A lot of activities are forthcoming that will help shaping technologies, their positioning, studies about ROI, terminology, and interoperability issues. EPTS members will be able to impact all these activities - either directly (participating in working groups) or indirectly (reviewing and commenting). Some of the customers community have a lot to contribute - they give talks about EP, they blog about it, and they express opinions on forums. This will be an organized way to translate the opinions and knowledge to impact.
  • Learning: EPTS will provide various community activities that will able its members to learn both on the technology and the business impact side of event processing, as well as sharing and learning best practices.
  • Networking: The various conferences, the work-group conference calls, and other activities will enable active networking, besides networking facilities already exists (user groups, forums and social networks - that will all still exist).
  • Help influence the establishment of "event processing" as an academic direction, impact research directions, and university level courses.

To remind you - there is no cost associated with joining EPTS, directions about joining can be found here:

Stay tuned for call for participation and contributions in the EPTS annual meeting in September 17-19, coming soon.