My role in the organization of DEBS 2010 was to handle the tutorials day. Starting in DEBS 2008 in Rome, the tutorials day became (for me) the most interesting day of the conference. Today the tutorial webpage is up and running (this is a first version, some missing details will be added soon). Some of the tutorials have been submitted in push mode by their authors, and some have been solicited in pull mode by me.
Six tutorials are planned: three tutorials in parallel in the morning, and three tutorials in parallel in the afternoon.
There will be two tutorials provided by EPTS work-groups, this time:
- A tutorial about event processing architectures given by Adrian Paschke and Paul Vincent who lead this group
- A tutorial by the new work group that deals with the value of event processing to customers, this tutorial will be given by a collection of people. The workgroup leaders are Rainer von Ammon, Guy Sharon and Nenad Stojanovic.
The additional four tutorials - two of them can be thought as extensions to the event processing languages tutorial that Adrian Paschke, Jon Riecke and myself have presented in DEBS 2009 (and was viewed or downloaded by 3551 persons, last time I checked): - A tutorial about SQL-based event processing, given by Bernhard Seeger.
- A tutorial about Logic based representation and reasoning of event recognition, given by Alexander Artikis et al.
The additional two planned tutorials are:- A tutorial about event processing in wireless sensor networks that was delayed from last year since the presenter Antonio Lureiro had to cancel last minute
- A tutorial that was prepared with the help of our team here in IBM Haifa Research Lab that will deal with context aware computing and its utilization in event-based systems. The tutorial will be given by Ella Rabinovich (who will be very active in the conference as she will present two papers in additional to the tutorial) and myself. Additional of our team members that helped in preparing the material are: Yonit Magid, Inna Skarbovsky and Nir Zolotorevsky. I'll write more about this specific tutorial closer to the DEBS conference.
The DEBS research and industry tracks program chairs have also sent notifications about rejection and acceptance this week. I think that there are 21 papers accepted (16 in the research track and 5 in the industry track), the research track acceptance rate was 25%.
Our lab is very active in this conference (various people on various aspects), among the 21 papers there will be 5 papers that with all or some authors from IBM HRL, and it will also have co-authors on 2 of the 6 tutorials mentioned above. This is an indication to the focus that the event-based systems receive in the lab.