Thursday, April 24, 2008

On the science and engineering of event processing

This is holiday week here, and yesterday I have driven about 2 hours south to the Weizmann Institute, a research institute that has a graduate school in some scientific disciplines - among them computer science, and is considered a great place to researchers that are good enough to be accepted, and are satisfied with academic salaries... Anyway, the Weizamnn institute hosted yesterday a "science festival" for children, above in the picture you can see the main idea - showing scientific principles through games. Since there have been several sites within the institute, the organizers provided airconditioned busses (it was also extremely hot day), however, when we arrived, there has been big pressure in the entracne station, and though there were 4 busses waiting, they have loaded passengers in a sequential way -- all waited until one finished loading passengers, and people wondered why they don't load passengers in parallel - it seems that sometimes engineering is needed to agument science.... Talking about science, there is one country that asks you to define your profession when you are filling the "landing card" in the aircraft before landing, this is the United Kingdom, and I always fill the form by writing in my profession as - scientist, this is a matter of self-identity, but more than that, it is also a way of life - risking generalizations I would say that engineers think in induction, while scientists think in deduction. In the NGITS 1993 conference that we held in Israel, in one of the discussions, John Mylopoulos said : "the distinction between the Artificial Intelligence and Database disciplines is that AI is science, while DB is engineering". Of course, database guys did not like it.
Well - I also wanted to tie the science / engineering issue to "event processing" - this area, as typically done in areas, while have some science origins, the first generation is the engineering era - different vendors came with implementations, that attempted to solve various problems, and the thinking is very much centric to the product one is trying to sell -- thus, if a customer's requirement is not easy to implement, the typical reaction is to do ad-hoc hacking around it, I know from personal experience, been there a couple of times, with different products. Engineering solutions are inductive, sometimes based on induction with N = 1, as a basis.
The engineering approach is typically the first wave -- I often like to use the analog of databaes in the 1960-ies.
However, maturing discipline, also needs science - which is looking beyond (maybe behind) the enginnering -- getting back to the fundementals and come with a model (like the relational model in databases -- but not really extension of the relational model, whose purpose is much different). Getting the science part will be a vital part of the discipline maturing - however, this is a longer term effort, the 2nd generation of event processing products will be more incremental on top of the first one - and still engineering oriented. More about the science of event processing - in later posts.

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