The February issue of the journal "International Banking Systems" has an article called Event Horizon written by James Ling. I have tried to get soft copy of this article, but the journal has strict policy that only subscribers can have access to soft copies, and agreed to send me hard copy only; the hard copy arrived today and I am looking at it now. I have been interviewed for this article on my hat as EPTS chair, and also there were some other people from the EP community who have been interviewed, such as: John Morrell from Coral8, Jiles Nelson from Apama and Jeff Wooton from Aleri to name a few, and also several customers of EP technologies in the financial services sector. Some interesting points from the article:
- EPTS has been mentioned in length including quotes from its charter; it seems that EPTS is getting traction as both authority source and representative of the community
- Various of EP applications are mentioned besides algorithmic trading are: external surveillance by regulators, risk management, auditing, market depth analysis and more.
- It is mentioned that there is a confusion around the distinction between event processing and BRMS, saying that some people say this is exactly the same thing. They quote me as saying that they are complementary technologies, but did not cite my explanation, and prefer to leave the reader in the dark about this issue.
- They mention that most vendors are using the term CEP, but stick to the EP name throughout the article.
- The concluding remarks are: "EP is certainly one of those technologies that will play an important role in the future of financial services".
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