The year 2012 is going to expire today, this has been the first year since 1985 that I have not visited the USA (I have been several times in Europe, though), somehow I don't think this will be true for 2013.
Looking at this Blog, I had less posts this year (this is post 92nd for the year, the record year was 2009 with 162), but the flow of readers was bigger this year than the previous years, I recently came across an article in HBR Blog entitled "If you're serious about ideas, get serious about blogging".
Looking at the popularity test, the most read post this year was entitled the pilot decision making process, which shows that the mental thinking of a pilot is situation driven. One of the main areas that I have investigated this year is how to make people think in a situation driven way when coming to IT systems, which are dominated by the request-response thinking.
Another popular post was not about event processing but the one dealt with the question: Is computer science a science or engineering? This question was triggered by the fact that my daughter Daphna participated in a science day in the high school she was going to attend (and is attending now) and it seems that while this school has computer science major, it does not regard it as a science. My opinion is that computer science is neither science or engineering but a thing of its own.
Additional ones are again a more generic post on presentation skills. This is a soft skill that I think is extremely important in today's world. I am putting emphasis in all the courses and seminars I am teaching, my source of inspiration, as I have written is Steve Jobs style of presentation.
Several popular professional posts:
On temporal extensions to SQL 2011. I am following temporal databases for many years, and the eventual extension to SQL is long overdue.
On event server as the 21st century application server - following Paul Vincent, I think we are seeing this shift happens.
Last but not least of the popular post was my review of Dave Maier's keynote in DEBS 2012, where I observed that the fragmentation in research make even distinguished researchers to reinvent wheels.
Let's see what blogging topic will be interesting in 2013 -- happy new year.