Anyway, looking at the fossils, among the many people who were there, I also looked at a poster explaining the various assumptions why these animals became extinct.
This is a blog describing some thoughts about issues related to event processing and thoughts related to my current role. It is written by Opher Etzion and reflects the author's own opinions
The metrics are not identical - in latency there is a difference if the metrics is to minimize average latency or minimize maximal latency. For example, in Java the maximal latency can suffer from garbage collection that will make it untypically high, while "real-time Java" implementations that smooth the garbage collection minimize the maximum latency, but the price is that the average latency may grow. Throughput can be measured by input or output events, which are not really identical. Each of these goal functions indicates different kind of optimization, and this is just by looking at two parameters of throughput and latency...
This poses two interesting questions: will there be partition of the market according to optimization capabilities, or will be able to generate adaptive software that will be able to be tuned to multiple optimization ? more about performance metrics - later.
The archeologic truth is more objective, and is determined according to the archeological fidings. Historic truth, on the other hand, relates to the perception, the mythos, sometimes the legends around it, but this what is perceived regardless of what happend.
Why am I writing all of a sudden about Ahad Ha'am ? -- the association came while reading the amusing Blog entry by Paul Vincent, entitled: CEP: hype, or the next best thing since sliced bread?
In our context, the archeologic truth looks at the reality of the EP market, while the historic truth looks at the perception. Let's look about the two sides of this equation.
First, as people have realized, it is not very easy to determine the reality of the market. There is a variance between the figures cited by analysts, and each of them probably is looking for a certain segment of the market. Pure CEP players are typically privately held and don't provide public account of their sales figures, while bigger companies who do, do not isolate the sales of their CEP sotfware relative to other software. On the other hand, if the CEP software has been critical to close a larger deal, then the entire larger deal should be attributed to the CEP sotware, since deals have a binary nature... In some cases the application which the CEP software is used for is a marginal application, and in some cases it is critical mission applications, and they also should not have the same weight. Tim Bass has proposed the "reference clients" as a yardstick, by collecting public announcements and press releases, as done last year. I have not been very impressed from the results and their ability to reflect the reality, for example, when IBM acquired Aptsoft, it has been published that Aptsoft at that point had 19 active customers, most of them from 2005-2007, yet in the reference customers table they have 4 - a big difference (I heard from other vendors also that these numbers are far from reflecting their cusotmer base as they see it). It seems that the majority of sales are not reported as public refernce customers -- there are various reasons, and may be I'll return to the issue of reference customers, but the bottom line of archeology truth is not easy to obtain.
Let's talk about historic truth now - perception is easier to measure ? -- we can measure it by the VC investment in a certain area, analysts reports, big vendors attitude and customer's perception. Let's look at all these parameters:
Thus - on the perecption front, it seems that the indications show acceleration and growth.
Alas, one may claim that these are only indications of perception, and not to real substence, and are results of over hype. There is some truth in event processing being a current hype, however, this is a natural phenomenon, as the hype cycle theory indicate - new technologies are moving through hype up and down cycles, and EP seems to be in its way up. Hype is also a good phenomenon, since it act as a catalyst and increase awareness, however, hype cannot replace substence, and my own opinion is that all the perception indications are not a result of hype only. Actually some of them are helping to create the hype.
The interesting question is how the the substence of value to the client and the derived market opportunity is being viewed from the point of view of the people who has to put money on EP software (writing in Blogs is much easier...).
To (try and) get some answers for this question we plan in the EPTS F2F meeting ("the 4th event processing symposium") two panels: the first one will consist of people from the business side of vendors (small and large) to provide their view, the other will be a panel of customers - two populations that spend money on this - and we'll pose them some interesting questions, and summarize it as a service to the entire community. Enough for today...