Last night the tentative agenda of the 4th event processing symposium was sent to the EPTS members. I have issued a call for contributions in various forums, including this Blog.
Some highlights:
four invited talks:
- A VC investor who has recently invested in an EP company will tell us his perspective about the EP market (hype vs. reality)
- A customer who has experience in use EP product will tell us his perspective and view of the future.
- A standards expert will tell us about the impact of standards on communities and areas.
Each invited talk will have follow-up panel; the first panel with vendors business managers and analysts, the second panel with customers in various industries (not just finance), the third with CTOs and senior researchers and the fourth with various people involved inssion of the two existing work groups: the glossary, and the use cases. The use cases workgroup will present its template and some use cases described using this template. We'll also have a research session to vieAt the end of the second day we'll hear some topics for thought including: event processing as a service, event distribution in heterogeneous environment and academic programs/ courses relate to EP.w contributions from the research community.
At the end of the second day we'll hear some topics for thought including: event processing as a service, event distribution in heterogeneous environment and academic programs/ courses relate to EP.
Participation is by invitation only, and is intended primarily for EPTS members, however there will be some slots available to non members. If you are interested in participation please send an Email message to:<events@ep-ts.com> .