This is a blog describing some thoughts about issues related to event processing and thoughts related to my current role. It is written by Opher Etzion and reflects the author's own opinions
Paul Vincent, who took upon himself to be the record keeper, posted a revised version of his famous market players with some additions. Over the last year I have encountered several more in this area, so if you are a player and want to be on the map, notify Paul and get into the picture.
Cloud Computing Journal published some citations from a podcast in which the analyst Dana Gardner, interviews Mahesh Kumar fromAccelOps, about correlating streaming events with transient data to get real-time analysis of data in the context of big data, and cloud implementation. The applications that AccelOps targets are mostly availability and performance management and security. The idea is not new,it seems that there are various approaches and realization that data needs to be analyzed in real-time in order to get decisions, before being written to a disk.