I was recently invited to give a talk in the OMG event processing symposium that will take place in Washington DC (actually, Arlington VA) in May 24-25, 2010. I will give a talk about -- event processing seven years from now --- talking about where the event processing area goes in the future, this will be a week following the Dagstuhl seminar on event processing, and some of the conclusions may be reported there. The OMG new event processing consortium that will be kicking off in that event is another indication to the importance that the IT community places on the event processing, and the visibility it gains. This is a customers' oriented conference, whose aim is to educate the general community about event processing.
We also announced that EPTS will be doing its annual conference in November, co-located with the Gartner Enterprise Architecture Foundations Seminar, in Los Angeles. In this conference EPTS (possibly in collaboration with OMG) will grant two kind of awards: event processing innovative foundation awards (for research work) and event processing innovative application award. Stay tuned for call for nominations soon.