This is a blog describing some thoughts about issues related to event processing and thoughts related to my current role. It is written by Opher Etzion and reflects the author's own opinions
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Family vacation

DEBS 2010 - the rest of the conference

DEBS last day and a half included talks of both the research and industry tracks on various topics. From our team - Ella Rabinovich has delivered two talks: one in the industry track summarizing the experience of Amit over the years (I have written some background for this paper recently), and the other in the research track on analyzing the behavior of event processing applications. We got a lot of interest and have follow-ups in possible research collaborations, I'll write in details about the behavior analysis work in the future.
In addition -- more keynote talks, and also a follow-up meeting to the Dagstuhl seminar.
Got back home -- travelling through London, and had some time to take a walk in Hyde Park.
DEBS 2010 has ended, it was great to meet many friends again, and now it is the time to start working on DEBS 2011.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
DEBS 2010 -- first day of the main conference

There were some other talks, mostly by graduate students. One of the interesting observations (not a new observation to me), that there is a lot of energy in this community to re-invent wheels, in different variations. I think that one of the good results in the database community of the relational model was that a large part of the research community took it as a basis and constructed the research on top of it, and people did not try to re-invent databases from scratch for every thesis. In event processing we are still not there, and IMHO the area will have more substantial results, if the research efforts will be more focused on advancing the state-of-the-art instead of re-inventing most and advancing a little bit (in the best case). Today we'll have follow-up meeting to the Dagstuhl seminar, and the research grand challenge we are discussing is aimed to that matter.
In the late afternoon there were a fast abstract session, where I gave a short (8 minutes, 4 slides) talk on the interactions between business rules and event processing (I'll write about this subject some other time), and then a session of demos and posters, with a couple of follow-ups for me.
More -later. The second day of the main conference is about to start.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
DEBS 2010 --- tutorial days and our context related tutorial

The first day of the DEBS conference was yesterday - a PhD workshop, I have attended part of it, today was the tutorial day, I have attended two tutorials - the one about wireless sensor networks (the first half) and the second about event processing reference architectures - you can view the tutorial page of the DEBS 2010 conference for more details. We also had a tutorial that was delivered by Ella Rabinovich and myself on context related stuff. I have written about contexts several times in this Blog, and the tutorial provides some details about the roles of tutorial, in-depth look about tutorials, and implementation of tutorials in practice. I've uploaded the tutorial on slideshare, and you can view it from there, I hope that the rest of the tutorials will follow soon. Tomorrow - the paper presentation part is starting.
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