all events are more than 1KM away from the glacier. Now, what is the benefit of having event-at-a-time implementation, a simple benefit: if the young penguin starting to head back then we can close this context instance, and terminate the EPA, say after 3 minutes, and don't trace this penguin anymore, until the next time it swimming far, while in the set-at-a-time we'll determine only at the end of the time window that there is nothing to detect here. Of course, the set thinkers will immediately say that we can reduce the window, so reducing the window to units of single events exactly gives us the "event-at-a-time" notion. More than that, it is not only a question of efficiency, it is also question of expressing a fine-tuned semantics. Let's look at another penguin scenario: we are now tracing lazy penguin who return to the glacier after less than 2 minutes after jumping to the water. here we have a sequence of two events relate to the same penguin within a specific temporal context ("within 2 minutes"). This is not a set operation at all, it is looking of a sequence of two individual event. True- it can be expressed in set-oriented-programming we'll have to create two streams (or one heterogeneous stream) of "jumping to the water" and "returning to the glacier", and then join them, select the appropriate instance and thus determine which members of the set matched this pattern, but this is not a natural way to think about it. While in "event-at-a-time" this can be done by just opening a context-instance for every penguin that jumped into the water, if it does not return within 2 minutes, this context-instance is closed, if the penguin returns, then there is pattern match, and the context-instance is closed even earlier.
But let's move to an example about the tune-up of semantics. Assume that we are looking for the pattern saying that the average stay in the water of a penguin is less than 2 minutes, which may indicate some laziness plague, or any other plague that makes the penguins lazy. In a set-oriented programming we'll have to define the set -- let's say a time window of one hour, thus, when the set is all accumulated we can calculate the average and match it to the threshold; however, it becomes tricky when the average is actually a moving average, thus it may be possible that if we do this calculation after 30 minutes the pattern is matched, since the average in this 30 minutes of staying in the water is 1 minutes and 56 seconds, while if we consider the whole hour, the pattern is not matched, since the average is now 2 minutes and 9 seconds. Doing the calculation event-at-a-time enables us to get the average even to set of any size, even without committing ahead on the size of the set.
This is not done in ad-hoc processing, but supported with high-level programming primitives that are sometimes easier to express than their equivalent set-oriented notation.
There are of course cases in which the set-oriented calculation makes sense -- exactly when we are doing aggregations at the end of some fixed time intervals, and in some applications this may be the main function we need -- but, I assume that we'll see more and more hybrid applications.
Last but not least -- the distinction between "simple" and "complex" event processing is considered in the fact that simple deals with events being processed "one by one" while complex process multiple events, however "event-at-a-time" is not processing "one-by-one" since in the "one-by-one" processing, an event is processed without looking at other events, and in "event-at-a-time" each event is processed individually but within the state of a certain context-driven EPA. More - Later