In the Dagstuhl seminar on event processing that ended 10 days ago we launched the "event processing grand challenge activity". You may be familiar with the DARPA grand challenge of driving driver-less car through the desert, you can see the two winner cars in the pictures above. We are not DARPA, and don't have money to distribute, but we would like to take the opposite direction, first define the grand challenge, and then convince funding authorities that they want to support it.
Why do we need this grand challenge? The research community has incubated the "event processing" area as we know today --- some research projects in the 1990-ies, such as: David Luckham's Rapide in Stanford, Mani Chandy's Infospheres in Caltech, John Bates' Apama in Cambridge, and our own Amit project in IBM Haifa Research Lab, followed by the various stream processing projects, like Jennifer Widom's stream project in Stanford, and later the Aurora project, to name a few (there are many more, of course).
The state of the practice is now in the hands of the software vendors, and event processing is becoming part of the main-stream of enterprise computing. However, software vendors are by nature advancing technology in an incremental fashion. On the other hand, there is a strong feeling that "event processing" has barely scratched the surface of its potential to impact society, this goes beyond current applications, and even beyond enterprise computing as we know it.
It is now the role of the research community to jump-start and incubate the step-function required to be achieved in order to get this kind of impact. We would like to have a call to the research community in event processing to focus on such a grand challenge, and as an incentive (and enabler) to get funding agencies worldwide to adopt it.
A substantial brain power have been invested in Dagstuhl, and in a follow-up to work on it, there have also been some people outside the community that deal with socio-technical systems and bio-informatics.
As a metaphor we can view many type of IT systems, social systems and biological system as a "live ecology", similar to a single organism with a lot of brains, eyes, ears, hands and feet.
Event processing serves as the nervous system, and events are what flow between the different players. This subsumes the "Internet of things" vision, where many sensors are connected, and also robots of various kinds as actuators, serving as hands. Such an infrastructure will enable changing the life as we know them.
We are working now on various scenarios that will be enabled by such an infrastructure; you can hear some thoughts about it in my talk next week in the OMG Event Processing community of practice that holds its first event processing symposium. Stay tuned for much more on that topic.