This year I have not posted the annual statistics about this Blog readership, so taking advantage of the vacation to do it, along with going to movies, musical on stage, and bowling with my daughters. The Blog now showing on the bottom some of the most popular postings, however, it started recording only several months ago, thus the more accurate statistics are accumulated in Google Analytics, where this blog is tracked from September 2007. Starting with the quantities: There are around 1800 regular readers that are reading each posting in this blog, and additional 3600 who get into the blog from time to time (once every two-three weeks), There are also people who entered the blog less frequently, some of them only one time, the total number of this blog visitors is around 65000 people. The geographic distribution is also interesting, the map is mostly painted in several green variants, so what stands out are the white space, countries from which there was no reader so far. Europe has not white spot, America has one white spot: Suriname. Asia has three white spots: North Korea, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Africa still has only partial coverage, all countries in the north part and south part of the continent are green, but the middle is mostly white. This may be an indication that the Internet infrastructure in these countries still needs to go some way, or that the content of my blog does not appeal to people in these countries.
As far as the ten countries with most views, these are: 1). USA; 2). UK; 3). Germany; 4). Canada; 5). Israel; 6). India; 7). France; 8). Japan; 9). Sweden and 10). Australia. The readers come from 178 countries.
In a city view ten cities with most views, there are: 1). London; 2). NYC; 3). Paris; 4). Karlsruhe; 5). Haifa; 6). Tokyo; 7). Singapore; 8). Bangalore; 9). Göteborg; 10). Vienna.
About 10.5% of the page views were direct requests, around 25% results of searches, and the rest, references by various websites.
The most popular posting, is still ,by far, the one entitled "On unicorn, professor and elephant", which answers a claim that everything done until today in the event processing area is just a hype and worth nothing. Since the time it was written two years ago, there were many proof points the the EP area has value to customers in various industries, and the assertion that it is still an infant, and some vendors do over-hype it is also still valid.
The second most popular posting, is the one entitled: "On simple event and simple event processing". This is an early posting. In the past we used a terminology of: simple event processing (filtering and routing), mediated event processing (aggregation, transformation, composition) and complex event processing (pattern matching). However, I stopped using these terms since it got people more confused, due to the fact that different people have different associations with the terms simple and complex, especially the ambiguousness of complex event processing, that is interpreted by some as (complex event) processing and by some as complex (event processing). I also tend to use composite event instead of complex event when talking about event that is composed of events.
The third most popular posting, is the one entitled: "On Enterprise Service Bus and Event Processing" which is also an early posting, this also states that event processing capabilities should be part of enterprise computing infrastructure, where ESB is a natural place to be a center point for it. Since that time EP capabilities became even more pervasive among various technologies.
Somehow related to this is the most popular among the 2010 postings entitled: "Consolidation and pure play in the EP market". This deals with the fact that most of the EP vendors today are big software vendors that consolidated EP within their products, while there is still a niche for pure play vendors.
This year I spent less time on blogging, so the quantity of postings is less than either 2008 or 2009, but I intend to catch up.
The book "Event Processing in Action" is in someway descendant on this blog, the publishers read the blog before approaching me to write the book, but of course, there is more emphasis on rigor and quality within the book, the blog is "quick and dirty".
End of summary -- next posting will go back to professional stuff