This is a blog describing some thoughts about issues related to event processing and thoughts related to my current role. It is written by Opher Etzion and reflects the author's own opinions
CAC Japan is the only Japanese member of EPTS, some of their team have participated in the EPTS 4th Event Processing Symposium. One of the missions they have talked upon themselves the task to bring the event processing ideas and concepts of event processing closer to the Japanese market, they have sent me the URL of their Japanese portal and in specific they have translated the EPTS glossary to Japanese I salute the initiative, we indeed need to reach out for more parts of the universe. I don't understand the Japanese part of the site, but trust the CAC team. Hope to have an opportunity to visit Japan some day.
The issue of translation from language to language reminded me about the still chaotic situation in the area of event representation on which I have blogged about a year ago.
Much of the existing event processing systems see the event representation as an internal issue and make their own decision about which structure should be supported: flat positional like 1-NF in relational database, tagged semi-structured (XML), or Java objects. Furthermore the "header" of an event varies. This reminds me a discussion a few years ago with some of my IBM colleagues who worked on standard for management events. They included "managed entity" and "severity" as mandatory attributes, since in their domain -- event is always a reported problem. We explained them that there are other types of events, e.g. money withdrawal. For this type of event there is no severity and no "managed entity". This has been a funny discussion since they did not really think that what we are talking about is event, however, in their domain, what they have done made perfectly sense. This leads to a thought that we may have several layers of attributes:
Detection time - every event is detected at a specific time.
Entity id - The entity that changed its state.
I agree to the first three, but not every event changes the state of a single entity, and in some cases (e.g. derived events) it is not really important which entity changes it state, so I would move the "Entity id" to the next category.
Domain common attributes (which also may have several level of domain, sub-domain, sub-sub-domain etc...) -- this may include: event-location, entity that changed its state, time-zone, severity and much more.
Event type specific attributes -- individual for each event type. Some of them may be reference to entities, some descriptive attributes.
There is even more interesting discussion about derived events - but I'll defer it to one of the next postings.
The window in the picture cannot be openned or closed without some fixing, which is typical to some of the event processing language that support in fixed window. I have been quite amused in the last couple of days to read the discussion in the CEP-Interest Group on Yahoo!, started by a query posted by Pedro Bizarro. If you do not subscribe on this group I am copying Pedro's query:
Hi there,
A company contacted me to solve a query puzzle that they have. They are reading incoming tuples and want to select all tuples that are between two tuples. For example, assume that I want all tuples between the first tuple with PARAM1=2 and the first tuple after this one with PARAM2=0. This would select all tuples with time between 3 and 8 in the example below.
I have tried a number of event processing engines but cannot write such a query. (However, I can write the query on a table on Oracle 11g using Oracle's Analytic functions with the help of a simple PL/SQL function.)
Do you have a solution for the OnOff Window puzzle?
Thanks! -pedro
You can browse and see the variety of answers given by different vendors - my intention is not to analyze the results, but look at the semantics of what is asked by Pedro. Pedro is talking about window, typically window is used in order to select a collection of events and perform some operation on them, in Pedro's case the operation is trivial - just select all of them, but we can slightly change the requirement and change it to "find if a pattern P is satisfied in this collection of events" (example of a pattern -- there are at least two events in which PARAM1 > PARAM2 for the same event) and if this pattern is detected perform some action (e.g. send me SMS).
Here we have three types of conditions:
1. Condition for opening the window 2. Condition for closing the window 3. Condition for detecting a certain pattern (in this case the result of the detection is a "situation" since it triggers action outside the event processing network.
Condition 3 is a normal type of "pattern detection" processing, however, conditions 1 and 2 have different roles -- they are used in order to decide which events will be used as input for the pattern detection operation. One of the answers was given by my colleague from IBM Haifa, Guy Sharon, who talked about the AMiT implementation of "lifespan" as a temporal context. Again, without going to the particular language, I would like to point out that the principle of "separation of concerns" --- have distinct separation between conditions to select the events that participate in an operation and the operation itself provides better clarity to the end result. Since a window is indeed a subset of the term context on which I have blogged several time before and pointed out about the importance of looking at context as a first class citizen in event processing. Context can have several dimensions -- the temporal dimension of context subsumes the notion of window, and there are other dimension (e.g. spatial - that selects events based on their location).
Bottom line: my belief is that the consumability of event processing will increase if we'll succeed to make them available to semi-technical people and have clear semantic roles to the building blocks instead of trust the developers that they will find a way to hack a bit in order to satisfy requirements -- more on this topic -- later.
Towards the year 2009, EPTS will increase its activities. Currently six working groups has been approved by a series of meetings of the EPTS steering committee extended with all the people who proposed working groups. We are going to issue soon a call for -- comments, vote and participation for the EPTS community.
First - something about the process of EPTS work. The main work will be done in working groups, the steering committee serves as a facilitator, but each working group has two co-leaders (as the proposals go now), and help the proposers devise the charter, make sure it makes sense, and meet the legal requirements (one of the properties of making EPTS as a formal organization is that there are some legal agreements between the members that need to be kept). The sec0nd phase which we are now entering is -- putting the working groups proposals in the EPTS site, in a members only section of the site, for comments, vote, and call for participation - each organizational and individual member can participate in any working group they are interested in. However, participation also means commitment for active participation. We shall hold a members' call to present all the proposals, and then the members will vote. Each negative vote will have to be augmented, and the proposal leader will answer - both objections and answers will be made public. After the members' vote, there will be final discussion in the steering committee, especially for a working groups that had objections, and final decision will be made. The idea is to finish all this process in early January and launch the working groups for 2009. EPTS members will get further instructions; the participation in the working group is restricted to EPTS members only, for legal reasons; however, everybody can become EPTS member (organizational member or individual member - see instructions in theEPTS website.
The six working groups that will be presented are:
(1). Glossary: We have issued version 1.1 of the glossary, but the work has not ended; this is a living document and a moving target, as the event processing area is in a relatively young age as a discipline. An agreed upon glossary is important to have common language, and has been successfully done in other disciplines.
(2). Use Cases: This working group continues from 2008 and had devised a template for the analysis of use cases, the idea is to survey a significant amount of use cases in order to classify event processing applications.
(3). Meta-modelling: OMG has issue RFPs for meta-modeling standards that have relations to event processing, in specific: Event Metamodel and Agent Metamodeland Profile. EPTS still needs to determine about its status of engagement with OMG, according to it this can be either official response to the RFP, or input to OMG. In any event, EPTS has been recognized by OMG (and referenced in the RFP itself), and was asked to provide input. The working group will attempt to provide unified response of the EPTS community. Note that this is the pattern we are pursuing in general - EPTS will not become a standard development organization, but will assist existing organizations to develop EP related standards.
(4). Reference Architecture: In the early days of the pre-EPTS, there has been some work to collect and compare reference architectures of various vendors. We are now returning to deal with refernce architectures, this time in the form of an EPTS Working Group. This working group will propose one or more reference architectures for various cases (consistent with the evolving classification in the use cases workgroup and the evolving glossary).
(5). Interoperability Analysis: This working group will engage in study of requirements and mechanisms for interoperability - both between event processing products of various vendors, and between event processing products and various producer and consumers of event processing. After the study, the working group will recommend to the EPTS community about next phases (e.g. creation of additional standards, revision of current standards etc...).
(6). Languages Analysis: This working group will engage in study of existing event processing languages (both from products and from the literature) to devise (in a semantic level) a set of functions that is being used. After the study, the working group will recommend to the EPTS community about next phases (e.g. creation of a single language standard or creation of N variations for various languages or creation of a meta-lanaguage standard...).
I am personally will co-chair the languages analysis one (an area that I spent a lot of time on recently), and will follow, all others.
More working groups may be launched, however, I surveyed only those approved so far to continue to the next phase.
I believe that at the end of 2009 with the results of these working groups report, we'll advance the understanding of the event processing discipline, and will have a clear road-map for related standards...