Thursday, August 21, 2008

On Web 2.0 and Event Processing

One of the questions that I heard recently is - how does "web 2.o" relates to "event processing" - or vice versa. Well - today everything has to fit with anything else. So here are some wild ideas:

  • Mashup - kind of fusion of content from different sources, this content is being updated as result of processing events.
  • Social networks -- a lot of things can be learned from tracing events in social networks, examples: a person has accumulated at least 5 recommendations recently -- is probably looking for a job; if a person changes his/her affiliation more than twice a year may also be of interest; one of the social networks sends me birthday alerts...
  • Blogs - besides the fact that there are Blogs about event processing, there can be events related to Blogs - patterns over content of Blogs, over relations among Blogs, and over readers of the Blog.

There are, of course, more - these are just a sample; event processing can be useful in the investigation of collaboration systems. For example - The informal structure of an organization can be discovered by analyzing collaboration systems. This topic deserves more attention.

Talking about event processing Blogs -- I would like to welcome Colin Clark to the event processing Blog sphere.

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